Few weeks ago I persuaded myself to study some practical swedish notes, not for strictly study the language but just for take some basics. I think it could be interesting to make more confortable the coexistence with my future swedish neighbors.
Well. Swedish is frustrating.
On one side, I love this SingStar-like melodic paused stunning language. I like its intonations.
On other side, nowadays I am unable to assimile such tons of completely new vocabulary. Then I said to myself:
On other side, nowadays I am unable to assimile such tons of completely new vocabulary. Then I said to myself:
'Think as you were in the pre-school. How did you do to learn all the earlier points in Spanish language?'
As I use to think like a pre-school's kid I quickly realised what is the first point I should undertake.
My very first lesson would be The Vowels.
My very first lesson would be The Vowels.
"a is like my spanish a. Good. e is like spanish's too. Fantastic. i, o, u are too!
I've learnt all. I have a superb mind."
"Oh, wait. Swedish has more vowels? å, what the hell is å?!
ä, ö, y, Short vowels, Long vowels... I have such a mess mind."
When I spend more than 5 minutes to try to understand its sounds I notice that this bunch of new characters are not as difficult as it seems. I can say now I can read them without problems. Wow! Yeah, I'm awsome.
At the same time I has been searching resources about swedish too. Surfing the web I have found a great source of material about learning languages. Here comes the site, Unilang.org. More specifically, there are good swedish phrasebooks and other material I would like to recommend you. Unfortunately I'm not a good teacher that is why I prefer to underline some joking/funny things instead the correct ones. There is a funny phrasebook that seems to be made for nothing else than be a source of fun Messenger nicknames... here is the link.
Well. As you see, sentences like
Well. As you see, sentences like
"The international soldier shoots an innocent passenger"
"He frequently shows his nak€d body"
"My wife has s€x with me every night"
"My mother always thought I required extra attention"
(translated to the appropriate language, i.e.: Swedish) will do more confortable our stay abroad wherever you go. (At least, some of them could be used in some kind of 'SvenskaPhrase of the Day' section...in a blog...or something. Have you got me?)
After this nonsenses, I have made up my mind to continue the swedish study (at least bit a bit). For those like me who has felt betrayed for the å vowel, I will give you an advice: JOIN THEM!
See you in the next post. Good night, or as they say:
God natt!
Your problem with swedish's vowels would be worse if you were learning mandarin chinese. They use 6 vowels and they have 4 different tones (ahí eh ná).
You know, chinese is the future. But anybody said that it had to be easy.
PD. By the way, when you finish with swedish, this web may be usefull ;-)
Uhm... I don't think so.
Klingon is the future world language XD
Get used to it.
Lots of kisses ;)
Klingon??? Neee, Esperanto will conquer the world!!
Por si acaso me aprendere esta frase: "DuSaQ vumghachwIj Sopta' targhwIj"
Upps, I wrote in spanish... O_o
Don't worry, you can talk in spanish everytime you want :)
Uhm, about the sentence... really he ate your homework?
Lots of kisses
Yes, he did... jijiji. But I don't know what hell is a "targ"!!
Finally I understood your stranges nicknames! Hahaha!
So...When do you teach us how to conquer the cold heart of a beatiful nordic girl? Maybe is the most interesting part of studying languages.
Eerr... what the fuck is Å? Saint A ? Those swedish are crazy!
Kuru, you'd better learn by yourself how to conquer the fucking cold heart of the nordic girls... In fact, I think I have somewhere a book about it.
I'll keep an eye on you boys!!
Q' PLAG!... as a good swedish klingon said one time..
AHH! no no... sorry!! the Swedish one is the Borg XD.
(Targ: sound made by a cat when is trying to spit a hair ball)
To me, it always sounds like they were breathing inwards. :)
Ah, maybe you can find this useful
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